Redfern Relaxation Massage
Professional and Relaxation Massage available
143 Regent St, Redfern
Call (02) 9690 2831 or 0423 685 329
Redfern Asian Massage
With 3 masseuses available every day, you can choose special Thai relaxation massage if you just need to relieve some stress, but we can also provide very competent remedial therapy for treatment of injuries or muscle stiffness.
Name: | Redfern Relaxation |
Address: | 143 Regent St, Redfern NSW 2016 Click for mobile phone navigation |
Directions: | Just a two minute walk down Regent Street from Redfern Street. |
Phone: | (02) 9690 2831 or 0423 685 329 Click to dial on mobile |
Hours: | 10am - 9pm 7 Days |
Speciality: | We provide expertise in Deep Tissue, Thai Style, Oil and Relaxation therapies. |
Parking: | 1 Hr parking at door, and 2 hr in side streets. |
Prices: | 30 Minutes: $45 45 Minutes: $65 60 Minutes: $75 120 Minutes: $120 |
Public Transport: | Redfern Railway Station just 5 minutes walk. Bus stops for all directions within 1 minute walk (Central, Sans Souci, Port Botany, Banksmeadow) |
Public Holidays: | Open all public holidays except Christmas Day and New Year's Day. |
Serving Suburbs: | Redfern, Waterloo, Surry Hills, Moore Park, Alexandria, |
Premises | Brand new shop for 2023, so clean, modern, spacious. Toilet and Shower Available. |
Payment | Cash. |
Redfern Relaxation Massage
143 Regent Street
Scan for our chat lines: WhatsApp, WeChat and Line

Looking for the best in relaxation massage near Redfern, Waterloo, Zetland, Alexandria, Surry Hills, Moore Park?
Call (02) 9690 2831 or 0423 685 329 Now!
(Direct dial on mobile phones)